Mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot addresses the Illinois Senate

During the second day of her visit to Springfield, Chicago mayor-elect Lori Lightfoot told the Illinois Senate "bold action" will be necessary to "bring real change" to the state.

Lightfoot said Thursday one of those necessary changes was a graduated income tax promoted by Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

The Senate's Executive Committee on Wednesday voted 12-5 for a proposed amendment to the Illinois Constitution that would allow for a federal-style graduated-rate income tax. It was a first step among many before there is a vote.

Lightfoot called the proposed graduated income tax the "type of bold change" that she looks forward to working with Springfield to accomplish.

Lightfoot also focused on transportation, saying the public deserves infrastructure that is safe and reduces bottlenecks and barriers to trade. She added she will be an active partner as that and other challenges are tackled.