Mayor Emanuel, Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson release statement following synagogue attack

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) -- Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson released the following joint statement regarding the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting:  

"Our hearts are with the people of Pittsburgh, the Jewish community, the law enforcement community, and the families of each of the victims, in the wake of this terrible tragedy. While there are no threats to religious institutions in Chicago at this time, the Chicago Police Department is closely monitoring this situation and providing special attention to all synagogues throughout Chicago." 

Statement from Mayor Rahm Emanuel:

“Over the past week, across our nation, we have seen the dark forces of hatred, extremism and prejudice boil over into violence. While the ugly undercurrents of those forces always exist, as American leaders we cannot give them safe harbor or a sense of acceptance. As intolerance and ignorance threaten to tear us apart, we must come together as Americans and empower the better angels of our nature.”