Melissa Etheridge smokes pot with her kids: 'It brings you much closer'

Chuck Grimmett | Flickr
FOX NEWS - Melissa Etheridge likes to smoke marijuana with her family, she revealed as part of Yahoo’s Weed & the American Family project, previewed by People.
The 55-year-old described smoking with her children, Bailey, who is 20, Beckett, who is 18.
“I have smoked with my older two,” Etheridge told Yahoo. “It was funny at first, and then they realized, it’s a very natural, end-of-the-day [thing] … And it brings you much closer. I’d much rather have a smoke with my grown kids than a drink — oh, God, no.”
She said her 10-year-old twins also know about her marijuana use.
“My children have a very clear understanding of cannabis,” she told Yahoo. “When I hold it without shame or confusion, then they can understand it as simple as if I was pointing to a bottle of Percocet and said, ‘That’s Mama’s medicine.’ You take the naughtiness out of it, and it’s not something that kids run to.”