New surveillance pictures released of possible suspect in River North bar sexual assault
CHICAGO - There are new pictures in the search for a rape suspect after the crime happened in the alley of a River North bar. Now, there are even more allegations.
The attorney representing the Jane Doe victim says she was drugged and raped at El Hefe in October and had a blood-alcohol level of .017, well below the point of intoxication.
Attorney John Chwarzynski is part of the legal team representing the victim known only as Jane Doe. He says he believes the suspect either works at the bar or knows someone who does.
“There should be an investigation going on to find out why they didn’t save their surveillance videos,” said Chwarzynski. “That in itself should force them to be shut down.”
Surveillance video from a nearby apartment building shows El Hefe's security guards opening the back door, then a man in red shoes walks the woman outside, holding her up by the neck.
The guards do nothing as he leads her to the alley and eventually, she was sexually assaulted.
“Security guards go over to the man and speak with him, and it tells me everything I need to know that they are trying to cover up for him,” said Chwarzynski.
There are now four women who have come forward, just recently a woman says she was drugged at the River North bar on Hubbard earlier this year.
A woman in Arizona says she worked at their location in Scottsdale and filed a civil suit.
El Hefe declined to respond to our request for comment on this story.