New York City to give out free meals to anyone, no questions asked

Free meals for kids sign is on a building in New York City. (Photo by Bill Tompkins/Getty Images)
NEW YORK - As the length of time that a large number of New Yorkers are out of work, the city has announced that anyone who is hungry can get free food.
Starting Friday, all New York City residents can get free meals at any of the locations that are handing out food for students.
"No one will be turned away, I want to really emphasize that there's no charge and no one will be turned away," Mayor de Blasio said at a Thursday afternoon news conference.
Adults with children can go to any of the 435 school locations from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Adults without children can go from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
No registration or ID is required.
"They can get breakfast, lunch, and dinner all to go, grab and go, and they can bring them home and eat them when they're ready. If other people at home need food, they can get it for them as well," Mayor de Blasio said.
The city is putting sample menus online. For instance, on Monday, April 6, 2020, the city plans to give out Sun Butter cups, Honey Graham Crackers, grape jelly, and boxed juice and milk for breakfast. For lunch, they will have assorted cold sandwiches (no meat) ranch carrot snackers and Rold Gold Heartzels. Dinner menus were not posted online.
To find a school that is distributing food, call 311, go to or text FOOD to 877-877.