Parents outraged after special needs student found in trash bag
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - Two parents say they are ready to take the Chicago Public School system to court over what happened to their special needs child.
The parents say besides the fact they say their non-verbal, epileptic child was not given special help, they say he was put in a trash bag.
Nyesha Terry, the mother of 5-year-old Lloyd, says she found her son at an isolated desk with a trash bag wrapped around his torso. After she complained and came back the next day, Terry found Lloyd in the same set of circumstances.
Lloyd's teacher told Nyesha that the trash bag was used because she was concerned his shirt would get wet, as saliva often drips onto Lloyd's shirt due to his condition. By Nyesha says the school could have used a bib or other clothing, instead of resorting to a bag. She called it dangerous, disrespectful and absolutely unnecessary, and complained to the teacher.
She contacted Child Protective Services over the incidents.
Nyesha bought Lloyd a bright, plastic vest after the pair of episodes occurred, hopeful the trash bag would be relegated to the garbage, according to a report from FOX News.
The group Mothers Against Domestic Violence Everywhere learned of the incident and says the plan on demanding a meeting with CPS officials Monday.
FOX 32's Anita Padilla spoke with Nyesha Terry Monday morning who said she enrolled her son in a new school and is hoping he will receive proper education at that school.
Terry would not comment on if she is taking legal action.