Poll: 53 percent favor military action to stop North Korea nukes program

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FOX NEWS - It will take military force to stop North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, a majority of voters believe -- and they tend to favor the U.S. taking that action. That’s according to the latest national Fox News Poll of registered voters.

Fifty-one percent say that U.S. military action will be required to keep the rouge nation from continuing its nuclear weapons program, while 36 percent think diplomacy alone can stop it. By a 53-39 percent margin, voters favor the U.S. using military force to keep North Korea from making further advancements on nukes.

North Korea is seen as the greatest immediate threat to the United States.  Some 38 percent feel that way, while 25 percent think ISIS is the biggest threat and 18 percent say Russia. Five percent think China poses the biggest risk and just four percent say Iran. 

Meanwhile, 42 percent of voters oppose the Iran nuclear agreement, 35 percent support it and 23 percent are unable to give an opinion.  The agreement eases U.S. sanctions for 10 years in exchange for Iran stopping its nuclear program over that time period.