Single mom pays off her rent for a year, post goes viral

GAFFNEY, SC - A single mom who says she got back a large tax refund says she's going to spend it all on what's most important right now: a roof over her kids' head.
Christina Knaack has already paid her rent for the entire year, and a photo of the receipt from her investment has inspired thousands of people, and has been shared more than 100,000 times on Facebook.
The South Carolina woman, originally from the Sarasota-Bradenton area, says she got $5,600 back on her taxes. "Instead of buying my kids the latest Jordans or fancy electronics I paid my rent for the YEAR," she wrote. She said she's a single mom on a minimum wage job and does it all by herself.
The bonus: "This also means I will have that extra 450 a month to do things with my kids," she wrote.
"So glad you are making wise choices. It will help you in the long run," one woman commented. "Power move!" said another commenter.
Knaack, who has two children, says she celebrated three years clean on January 3rd. She shared her post in hopes that a recovering addict would see it and see that life off the streets is possible. "As long as my post has inspired people I'm happy with that," she said.