White Sox minor league player Anderson Comas says he is gay

White Sox minor league player Anderson Comas announced on social media on Sunday that he is gay, and the Sox said teammates are supportive.

"This may be my most personal thing I ever share and it’s that I’m proudly and happily part of the LGTBQ+ community," Comas said in a post on Instagram. "I’m also a human with a great soul, I’m respectful, I’m a lover, I love my family and friends and that’s what really matters, I enjoy my work a lot, being a professional baseball player is the best thing that happened to me."

"With his social media post today, we are all so proud of Anderson and that he is comfortable sharing such an important personal part of his life so openly," said Chris Getz, White Sox assistant general manager, in a statement.

The Sox said Comas came out to management last year. The team signed Comas to a minor league contract in 2016.