Dennis Welsh Editorial: License Police Officers

Protesters across the country have a clear message for local and state governments: dangerous racists have no place in the police force. Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul has a solution: license police officers like any other profession. In a Fox 32 Chicago editorial, General Manager Dennis Welsh says "licensing the police" is an idea whose time has come.

Dennis Welsh Editorial: Ban Red Light Cameras

Red light cameras: Illinois drivers hate them, and critics say they're a scam that has no effect on your safety. FOX 32 General Manager Dennis Welsh says it's time to ban red light cameras statewide and demand our lawmakers do the right thing.

Dennis Welsh Editorial: Fix Pensions Now or Voters Will Revolt

Illinois’ pension crisis is sending property taxes soaring and forcing residents to leave the state. Fox 32 Chicago Vice President and General Manager Dennis Welsh has a message for our new governor and mayor: fix the pension crisis now or face voter revolt later.

Dennis Welsh Editorial: Kim Foxx's only way forward

States Attorney Kim Foxx has fended off criticism from all sides for her handling of the Jussie Smollett case. In order to put this behind her, Foxx has only one path forward. Dennis Welsh Fox 32 General Manager sounds off in his editorial: "Kim Foxx's Only Way Forward."