AP-IL--KILX-IL Flood Warning (for forecast points), IL



WGUS83 KILX 151452




952 AM CDT WED JUL 15 2015

...The Flood Warning continues for the following river in Illinois...

Sangamon River near Oakford affecting Cass...Mason and Menard


Sangamon River near Chandlerville affecting Cass and Mason Counties




952 AM CDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The Sangamon River near Oakford.

* Until this evening.

* At 845 AM Wednesday the stage was 471.3 feet.

* Flood stage is 471.0 feet.

* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by

this afternoon.

* Impact...At 471.0 feet...Flooding begins to agricultural areas not

protected by levees.


Fld Observed Forecast 6AM

Location Stg Stg Day Time Thu Fri Sat

Sangamon River

Oakford 471 471.3 Wed 9 AM 469.9 468.3 467.1


LAT...LON 4016 8982 4009 8982 4009 8997 4006 9002

4013 9007 4016 8999





952 AM CDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The Sangamon River near Chandlerville.

* Until Friday morning.

* At 900 AM Wednesday the stage was 458.8 feet.

* Flood stage is 456.6 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by

early Friday morning.

* Impact...At 459.9 feet...Flooding begins to impact some residences

in Chandlerville.


Fld Observed Forecast 6AM

Location Stg Stg Day Time Thu Fri Sat

Sangamon River

Chandlerville 457 458.8 Wed 9 AM 457.8 456.5 455.5


LAT...LON 4013 9007 4006 9002 4002 9016 4003 9043

4010 9036 4010 9017


Delivered by Weather Underground Inc. Wed Jul 15 2015 10:53AM EDT