AP-IN--KIND-IN Flood Warning (for forecast points) (Part 1), IN



WGUS83 KIND 151513




1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

...A Flood Warning continues for portions of the following rivers in


Driftwood River...East Fork White River...Eel River...Mill Creek...

Mississinewa River...Muscatatuck River...Sugar Creek...Wabash

River...White River...Youngs Creek...




1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The East Fork White River at Seymour.

* until Saturday evening.

* At 9:45 AM Wednesday the stage was 19.3 feet.

* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.

* Major flooding is occurring and Major flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by

Saturday morning.

* At 19.4 feet...Lower Rockford Road just south of Reddington Road is

impassable at this level based local information.


LAT...LON 3906 8587 3893 8604 3879 8620 3877 8613

3886 8599 3905 8583





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The East Fork White River near Rivervale.

* until Wednesday July 22.

* At 10:30 AM Wednesday the stage was 22.7 feet.

* Flood stage is 20.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 29.9 feet by

Friday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Tuesday early


* At 29.9 feet...During the March 2008 flood, the Bedford Times

reported the following roads remained closed: Peerless Road,

Lawrenceport Tunnelton Road, Pumphouse Road, State Road 450,

Stumphole Bridge Road, Mill Creek Road, Earl Road, Dillon Road,

River Road and Rager Road.


LAT...LON 3880 8618 3878 8631 3882 8643 3877 8646

3872 8631 3878 8613





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The East Fork White River near Bedford.

* until Wednesday July 22.

* At 8:20 AM Wednesday the stage was 18.1 feet.

* Flood stage is 20.0 feet.

* Moderate flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by late this afternoon and

continue to rise to near 27.0 feet by Friday evening.the river will

fall below flood stage by Tuesday early afternoon.

* At 27.9 feet...During the March 2008 flood the following roads were

reported closed in article by the Bedford Times published on March

26, 2008 assuming the interview took place on March 25: Peerless

Road, Lawrenceport Tunnelton Road, Pumphouse Road, Indiana Stote

Road 450, Stumphole Bridge Road, Mill Creek Road, Earl Road, Dillon

Road, River Road and Rager Road.


LAT...LON 3881 8643 3883 8650 3885 8656 3882 8657

3879 8651 3877 8645





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The East Fork White River at Williams.

* until Wednesday July 22.

* At 7:34 AM Wednesday the stage was 7.3 feet.

* Flood stage is 8.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by this evening and continue to

rise to near 13.7 feet by early Saturday morning.the river will

fall below flood stage by Tuesday before midnight.

* At 14.0 feet...Flooding approaches local residents located on low

flood plain areas on local streams. State Road 450 just east of

Williams is extensively flooded and becomes a recreational area for

local geese and ducks. Only the highest campgrounds at Williams

Dam are out of water. Huron and Williams Road (Williams Wooden

Bridge road) flooded immediately south of Indiana 450 just west of

Williams. Dillman Road (CR 1000 W) immediately north of Indiana

450 begins to flood. Indiana 450 begins to flood at Coxton Road.


LAT...LON 3884 8655 3882 8671 3873 8683 3867 8672

3874 8661 3879 8651





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The East Fork White River at Shoals.

* from late Thursday night to Tuesday evening.

* At 9:30 AM Wednesday the stage was 13.4 feet.

* Flood stage is 20.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...Rise above flood stage by Friday morning and continue to

rise to near 23.7 feet by Sunday morning.the river will fall below

flood stage by Tuesday morning.

* At 23.7 feet...During prolonged high water of late March and early

April 2008, Windom Road had one lane open. On March 11 2011 SR 550

just south of Loogootee was closed by high water on the south side

of the river. At least one nearby county road was flooded.

Considerable lowland flooding in progress.


LAT...LON 3873 8683 3854 8698 3857 8722 3850 8723

3845 8681 3868 8671





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The Muscatatuck River at Wheeler Hollow.

* until further notice.

* At 6:00 PM Tuesday the stage was 22.3 feet.

* Flood stage is 16.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 25.0 feet by

early Friday morning. Additional rises may be possible thereafter.

* At 24.5 feet...Top of staff gage. Extensive flooding in progress.

Water around several homes. Local roads are flooded extensive.

State road 135 likely flooded just north of Milport at this level

and higher.


LAT...LON 3878 8591 3878 8603 3880 8615 3876 8618

3873 8605 3874 8591





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The White River near Centerton.

* until Thursday evening.

* At 10:00 AM Wednesday the stage was 15.3 feet.

* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by

tomorrow late morning.

* At 15.3 feet...Extensive flooding of agricultural lands. Blue Bluff

and Paragon roads are impassable. Flood waters affect a few homes

in Waverly.


LAT...LON 3956 8629 3952 8633 3950 8638 3949 8638

3951 8632 3955 8626





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The White River below Eagle Valley Power Plant.

* until late Thursday night.

* At 1:12 PM Tuesday the stage was 607.2 feet.

* Flood stage is 603.0 feet.

* Moderate flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by

tomorrow early afternoon.

* At 607.0 feet...Extensive flooding of agricultural lands. Blue

Bluff and Paragon roads are impassable. Flood waters affect a few

homes in Waverly.


LAT...LON 3950 8638 3951 8642 3936 8666 3934 8665

3938 8648 3949 8638





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The White River at Spencer.

* until late Saturday night.

* At 9:30 AM Wednesday the stage was 20.7 feet.

* Flood stage is 14.0 feet.

* Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 21.2 feet by

after midnight tomorrow. The river will fall below flood stage

Saturday afternoon.

* At 21.0 feet...Prospect Park area, western outskirts and East Street

begin to flood in Spencer.


LAT...LON 3936 8666 3933 8674 3913 8696 3911 8692

3928 8675 3934 8665





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The White River at Elliston.

* until Monday afternoon.

* At 8:00 AM Wednesday the stage was 23.1 feet.

* Flood stage is 18.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 25.3 feet by

Friday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Monday


* At 26.0 feet...Shawnee airfield floods. Flood waters begin to get

into the hanger. Relocation of livestock may be necessary.


LAT...LON 3913 8696 3905 8699 3900 8697 3900 8693

3908 8694 3912 8692





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The White River at Newberry.

* until Monday morning.

* At 9:30 AM Wednesday the stage was 16.4 feet.

* Flood stage is 13.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 20.1 feet by

Friday morning. The river will fall below flood stage Sunday


* At 20.0 feet...Greene County Road 550 W is impassable.


LAT...LON 3900 8696 3894 8708 3887 8715 3885 8712

3892 8700 3900 8694





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The White River at Edwardsport.

* until Tuesday evening.

* At 7:00 AM Wednesday the stage was 18.1 feet.

* Flood stage is 15.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 21.7 feet by

early Saturday morning. The river will fall below flood stage

Tuesday morning.

* At 22.9 feet...A 25 foot section of Levee Unit 8 failed at this

level on March 6 2011...flooding local roads behind the levee.

Flooding not nearly as bad as June 2008 levee failure. Flooding

was very close to one of the June 2008 failures.


LAT...LON 3887 8715 3879 8729 3855 8726 3855 8723

3877 8723 3885 8712





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The White River at Petersburg.

* until further notice.

* At 9:30 AM Wednesday the stage was 18.9 feet.

* Flood stage is 16.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 23.6 feet by

Monday early afternoon then begin falling.

* At 23.5 feet...Extensive flooding in progress with several bottom

land roads flooded in Pike County in March 2011. Pike County

roads flooded...some by several feet of water...east of SR 57

included CR 750N...CR 600N and CR 1000E. Pike County roads flooded

west of SR 57 included...River Rd...CR 250W...CR 400W...CR 675N...

CR 700N...CR 1000W...CR 900W...CR 700W and CR 775W.


LAT...LON 3855 8726 3855 8739 3854 8744 3851 8744

3850 8727 3855 8723





1013 AM CDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The White River at Hazleton.

* until further notice.

* Flood stage is 16.0 feet.

* Forecast...The river is forecast to have a maximum value of 24.4

feet early Tuesday morning.

* At 24.8 feet...Water begins to come in the street at the corner of

West 2nd Street and Brown Street in the town of Hazleton. A six

inch water pump is installed at 2nd and Brown Street to keep water

off the streets.


LAT...LON 3854 8744 3852 8755 3843 8773 3841 8773

3844 8760 3851 8744





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The Driftwood River near Edinburgh 2 SW.

* until Thursday afternoon.

* At 9:30 AM Wednesday the stage was 12.9 feet.

* Flood stage is 11.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by

early tomorrow.

* At 13.2 feet...Lowland flooding in progress along Driftwood River in

northern Bartholomew County on April 6, 2011. Double Y Saddle Club

area flooded. At least 6 inches of water flowing over CR 950N to

Club. Water is less than one foot away from CR 330W just south of

its intersection with Ohio Ridge Rd. CR 500N west of CR 250W is

flooded blocking vehicular access to residences near the river

bank. Lowell Public Access site is open but ramp is totally

flooded. Water close to one residence at Shelby CR 1000S and CR



LAT...LON 3937 8601 3920 8597 3920 8591 3922 8592

3922 8595 3936 8595





1113 AM EDT WED JUL 15 2015

The Flood Warning continues for

The Mill Creek near Cataract.

* until Thursday evening.

* At 9:30 AM Wednesday the stage was 15.8 feet.

* Flood stage is 15.0 feet.

* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.

* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 16.4 feet by

tonight. The river will fall below flood stage tomorrow early


* At 16.5 feet...Flood waters near or on Owen Park Road. Camp Otto

Road flooded by several feet of water.


LAT...LON 3953 8670 3945 8677 3945 8681 3942 8682

3943 8673 3951 8668


Delivered by Weather Underground Inc. Wed Jul 15 2015 11:13AM EDT