Light snow arrives in Chicago today ahead of midweek warmup

Light snow is moving over Chicagoland this morning. Accumulations will be minimal-generally a dusting to 1 inch with the bigger numbers well west and southwest of the city.  

The snow could make for some slick spots due to the cold however.  

This afternoon, it will remain mostly cloudy with highs in the low 20s. 

Cold tonight will bring widespread single digits but no appreciable wind chills. 


Tomorrow will be partly sunny with highs making it into the mid 20s. Then, it’s on to a major pattern shift that will have us closing out the year with unseasonable warmth. 

Highs will climb past 40 on Wednesday with Thursday well into the 50s. There could be some fog and drizzle Thursday morning but bona fide rain holds off until Thursday night with showers likely off and on through Saturday.  

After this morning, no snow in sight.

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