107-year-old Chicago man diagnosed with cancer gets special pre-birthday treat

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FOX 32 NEWS - A 107-year-old man from Englewood, who was recently diagnosed with bone cancer, got a special pre-birthday treat Tuesday from a pair of Chicago Police officers who have become more than his friend.

“He's like a big kid, when you talk to him and and you just look at his eyes, his eyes are like happy,” said Chicago Police Officer Daliah Goree.

Goree and her partner in the 7th District, Claudette Knight, have become the kind of friends any 107-year-old would love to have.

And Henry Jenkins does.

“They come see about me, they come and see about me. Anything that I need, let them know and, always, they was so nice to me, I can't explain it too you,” Henry Jenkins said.

In June 2015, they helped him celebrate his 106th's birthday at the Englewood Police Station, but their connection really started the day Jenkins stopped by the station on his way out of town seven years ago.

“To actually see somebody at 100 years old talking about they're driving to Mississippi by themselves, and he was driving his big Roadmaster car, it was just unbelievable,” Goree said.

“I love his spirit, you know, he always jokingly says, I don't know why I'm still here, you know I'm 107, but there's a reason for everything and I just love his spirit about him, so he has a great sense of humor,” said Chicago Police Officer Claudette Knight.

Jenkins says they are like his daughters.

“They're my kids,” Jenkins says with one of his trademark laughs,“ both of them mine,” he says laughing with even more enthusiasm.

Tuesday’s lunch at Chucks’ in the Hard Rock Café was prompted by  Jenkins’ recent bone cancer diagnosis.

“We came here a year ago and he really loved this place and he just said I just want to come here one more time,” said officer Knight.

FOX 32 asked Jenkins what it meant to get out and have this special lunch?

“Wooo! Lord, this here, the best day I've had in my life, I said the best I ever had in my life, today, I enjoyed my self today, I enjoyed, it let's me know that somebody loves me,” Jenkins said.

Scott Simon, the head chef at Chucks, brought out a special desert tray for Jenkins who has a serious sweet tooth, even though he has no teeth anymore.

But what he does have is something sweeter than any desert. He has two friends who love him like a grandfather.

“They ain't got to tell me they love me, I know they love me. They show it,” Jenkins said.
