39-year-old man, pistol-whipped by home invaders, jumps from 2nd floor to escape

CHICAGO (SUN TIMES MEDIA WIRE) - Three unknown robbers battered a man while ransacking his home for drugs Monday night in the South Austin neighborhood on the West Side.
At 8:30 p.m., three males armed with handguns accosted the 39-year-old as he was walking home in the 5600 block of West Madison, according to Chicago police. They forced themselves inside his unit on the second floor, where his 36-year-old girlfriend, an 8-year-old girl, a 10-year-old boy and a 15-year-old boy were inside.
The males, two of whom had their faces wrapped in scarves, stole his items while demanding to know where he kept his drugs, police said. One of them struck his face with a handgun and beat him up until the man jumped from the building.
Customers at a restaurant saw the fall and called 911, police said. The man was taken to Stroger Hospital with injuries from the battery and plunge. His condition was stabilized.
The three males drove away, police said, and no one was in custody Tuesday morning. The four other people inside his home were unharmed.