4 people hurt when stolen SUV crashes into bus carrying children's choir

More than 30 children – some as young as seven-year-old – were onboard a yellow school bus, which was hit by a stolen SUV on Saturday morning on Chicago's South Side.

The black SUV was traveling at a high rate of speed in the 7900 block of S. Vincennes right before 10:30 a.m. Pictures show the bus was hit so hard, the hood flew open.


The youth choir was participating in Saint Sabina’s 5th annual day of service. 

"These were babies on this bus who were going to sing at the Juvenile Detention Center, to bless people," said Father Michael Pfleger, leader of St. Sabina Catholic Church.

"The SUV kept speeding on Vincennes and smashed into a Peoples Gas truck," said Father Pfleger. "Hit the bus so hard, that the tire blew out and the rim was down on the ground."

Four males exited the SUV all carrying guns. Everyone on the bus ducked for cover.

"They didn't know if they were going to shoot at the bus, so they are ducking on the bus afraid," said Father Pfleger.

 He has a message for the people that were driving the solen SUV.

"Anyone of them could've been killed because of your actions. Do you understand that and do you even care?"

 No children were hurt, four adults on the bus were taken to St. Bernard hospital with minor injuries and have been treated and released.

Chicago Police are still looking for the males in the SUV that fled on foot.

Near South SideCrime and Public SafetyReligionNews