Brookfield Zoo holds naming contest for trio of Mexican gray wolf puppies
CHICAGO (FOX 32 NEWS) - The folks at the Brookfield Zoo are still trying to decide the names of three Mexican gray wolf puppies, which were born over a month ago.
The available naming options are as follows, per the Brookfield Zoo:
Male puppy #1469
- Pablo (named after John Pauley, a senior veterinary technician for the Society who accompanied the two puppies from the zoo litter to Arizona for release to the wild)
- Rio (which means river in Spanish)
- Mogollon, pronounced mo-go-YOWN (a mountain range in the Gila Wilderness, which is a release site for Mexican gray wolves and also a Native American tribe from the area)
- Graham (a county in Arizona where wolves are released as part of the recovery program)
Male puppy #1470
- Coronado (the name given to a released wolf pack that included Ernesta, a female wolf that lived at Brookfield Zoo from 2010-2012)
- Emory (named after Emory Pass in the Gila Wilderness, which is a release site for the species)
- Reed (named after Reed’s Peak in the Gila National Forest, which is a release site for the species)
- Azul (which means blue in Spanish and signifies the Blue Range Mountains in the wolves’ Arizona release site)
Female puppy #1468
- Greenlee (a county in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest where the Elk Horn Pack lives)
- Ela (which means Earth in Apache)
- Bailey (part of the Latin name of Mexican gray wolves: Canis lupus baileyi)
- Escudilla, pronounced Es-coo-DEE-yah (the name of the mountain where the Elk Horn Pack’s den is located)
Voting will take place starting on June 27 and will run through July 11. The names with the most votes for each of the three puppies will be announced the next day, July 12.
Cast your votes for the favorite names on the zoo’s website at