Bunny lifted onto roof by storm is rescued by firefighters

It was a hare-raising sight.

A rabbit was rescued from the brink of disaster on Friday after being blown onto a roof in Northern Ireland, The Guardian reports. The bunny, named Bumper, had barely managed to cling to the roof before the local fire department arrived, the media outlet adds.   

Bumper’s adventure began when a gust of wind from Storm Gertrude blew his cage open and thrust him onto the roof of the Woodbank House, a residential care home in Omagh, County Tyrone.

"We tried to figure out how on earth a rabbit would get on the roof," Woodbank worker Caroline Swift told the media outlet. "It must have catapulted.”

Bumper ultimately made it down safely with the help of the fire crew, "one short extension ladder, one reach pole and one particularly tasty carrot,” the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service posted on their Facebook page, The Guardian reports.

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