Chicago group advocating for trans, gender-affirming care

Illinois lawmakers are considering a bill that would protect reproductive rights and abortion in the state.

However, advocacy groups in Chicago say a Senate amendment cuts out a large population. 

Brave Space Alliance is calling on the governor and all members of the General Assembly to block the measure that excludes protections for trans people and gender-affirming care. 


Organizers with Brave Space say they support the overall message of the bill, but say they can not tolerate an entire community being left behind. 

"Illinois stands alone in our region in being proactive in protecting LGBTQ people and protecting trans people. We need to extend those protections to people who look to our state, see the promises that our government has made and take those promises at face value," said Stephanie Skora, COO of Brave Space Alliance. 

Advocates say excluding trans and gender-affirming protections leaves the LGBTQ community open to discrimination and acts of violence.

LGBTQNewsIllinoisPoliticsAbortion Laws