3 shelter puppies adopted by country singer's road crew after Chicago performance

Three puppies are on the road to a new life after being adopted by a country singer's road crew following a recent performance at the United Center. 

The puppies were initially at an animal shelter in West Texas and placed on the euthanasia list due to lack of space and slow adoptions. 

However, One Tail at a Time's sister organization in West Texas stepped in and helped get the trio transported to Chicago. 

Once they arrived in the Windy City at One Tail at a Time, the three puppies were invited to Tyler Childers and S.G. Goodman's show at the United Center by Live Nation Concerts on June 13, according to the shelter.

That's when the unexpected happened – the trio found their forever homes.

"We certainly did that, but what we didn't expect was all three puppies being adopted by members of Tyler's road crew!" the shelter said. "We couldn't be happier for these little road dogs!" 

Now, the furry friends are tagging along with the band on the "Mule Pull Tour!" Happy tails pups!

ChicagoPets and AnimalsNews