Chicagoans anxiuosly await release of iPhone 6s
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - iPhone fever is in full swing, with Apple releasing the new iPhone 6s Friday morning. And in true "iPhone fever" fashion, several Chicagoans camped out at the Apple store on Michigan avenue overnight to guarantee to get their hands on the newest model.
All over the world, people waited in line for hours on end to get their new iPhone 6s. Experts expect 10 to 12 million phones to fly off the shelves Friday morning all over the world, according to a report from FOX Business.
So what's new on the iPhone 6 that has all the Apple fans so excited?
The phones are the same size as last year's models, but feature improved cameras and 3D touch, a display technology that responds according to how hard users press their screens.
The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus start at $199 and $299 with a two-year contract with a mobile service provider.