Chicagoans celebrate St. Patrick's Day just like old times
CHICAGO - After a two-year pandemic — and with great weather — St. Patrick's Day was like a coming-out party for the City of Chicago on Thursday.
At O'Shaughnessy's in Ravenswood, there was no evidence of a pandemic and it felt exactly like St. Patrick's Day in Chicago should feel.
"Last year was such a disaster; we weren't prepared. Our staff had just come back," said. Liz Finan, O'Shaughnessy's Owner.
Thursday evening, everything at O'Shaughnessy's was running like clockwork. "We're serving corned beef and cabbage dinners which we don't typically do," said Finann.
It's a public house known across the city for its Guinness pour.
"It's very complicated," said Finan. "You have to have the exact right temperature in your cooler. You have to clean your lines every two weeks. You have to clean your glasses the right way because you can't have any oil-based soaps, you have to pour it in the 3-minute pour, and you have to have the right nitrogen mix with it."
Dan Gillespie of the Chicago School of Violin Making was on-hand playing traditional Irish fiddle tunes on the patio. "They all sound the same, and I forget the names but I know how to play 'em!" said Gillespie.
"I looked forward to this day every day for the last two weeks cause I knew I would have fun," said his classmate, Claire Rowan.