CPD: 74 arrested for drug, gang activity

CHICAGO (STMW) - Chicago Police have arrested 74 people for drug and gang activity and seized guns, vehicles, cigarettes and cash.

Police, along with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, arrested 74 people – 32 of whom were documented gang members – in a Narcotics Unified Enforcement Mission, according to a statement from police.

The mission seized eight firearms, including one MAC-11, four vehicles, 205 packs of unstamped cigarettes and $13,000 in cash, police said. The list of seizures did not include any drugs.

“The Chicago Police Department will remain steadfast in its mission to weaken street gangs by targeting their operations,” said Chicago Police Interim Superintendent John Escalante. “By removing their sources of funding we can make it harder for them to sustain their activities and make the streets of Chicago safer.”