Deaf canine vying for world's longest dog tongue title raising awareness for disabled animals


(FOX News) - A deaf white boxer and her unusually long tongue are helping to raise awareness and bring positive attention to shelter animals and animals with disabilities, Fox 11 reported.

Semi, who was adopted by Farrah Marx in 2012, is currently on her way to Instagram fame as Marx chronicles what it is like to train a deaf dog.

“I did a little research on training deaf dogs, but for the most part it was her trust in me and our relationship that made everything work out smoothly,” Marx told Fox 11. “We use hand signals— we have one for ‘Good job’ so that she is always validated when she does something good, ‘no’ or ‘stop that,’ ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ ‘lie down’ and ‘shake hands.’”

Marx told the news station that one of the biggest challenges she faces is when Semi is acting stubbornly and won’t make eye contact.

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