Downstate Republican lawmakers oppose Pritzker's 'stay at home' order

Several Republican lawmakers say Gov. Pritzker is wrong to apply the same stay-at-home rules here in Chicago, and in their much smaller communities.

Living near Beecher City on a farm 225 miles south of Chicago, State Rep. Blaine Wilhour has often objected to the political power wielded by Illinois's biggest metropolis. COVID-19's his latest case in point.

“The governor notes very little, if any, testing's been done in rural counties,” said Rep. Wilhour. “He warns the deadly coronavirus could yet take a heavy toll there.”

The governor's most outspoken critics are Republican lawmakers who call his stay-at-home order unfair.

For example, small retailers selling clothing, toys or games are forcibly shut down, while big box stores continue selling all that and more, because they also offer groceries.

The current stay-at-home order will be in effect for least 30 more days and may be extended beyond that.

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