Driver smashed into Indiana state patrol car, nearly hit trooper

CROWN POINT, Indiana - An allegedly impaired driver smashed into an Indiana state trooper's car on Sunday morning in Lake County, and almost hit a state trooper.
The trooper and other emergency workers were directing traffic around a jackknifed semi on I-65 near Crown Point around 6:45 a.m. when Hakeem A. Bahhur, 30, of Orange, California, allegedly swerved around an emergency vehicle.
Bahhur smashed into the trooper's Dodge Charger, which had its emergency lights activated. The trooper saw Bahhur coming and dove into a ditch.
Bahhur refused field sobriety tests and a blood draw was taken instead. Indiana State Police said that he became combative with staff at the Lake County Jail.
He is preliminarily charged with operating while intoxicated.