Elijah Vue: Two Rivers police find blanket belonging to missing boy
Elijah Vue's blanket found; boy still missing
Authorities confirmed a blanket found earlier in Two Rivers belongs to Elijah Vue. It was found a few miles from where he was reported missing. The search for the missing 3-year-old boy continues.
TWO RIVERS, Wis. - Police confirmed the blanket of the missing Two Rivers boy, Elijah Vue, was located on Monday, March 18.
3-year-old Vue has been missing since late February. At the time an Amber Alert went out, police noted Vue was possibly carrying a red and white plaid blanket with him when he was last seen.
Police said a red and white plaid blanket was found on Goodwin Road, east of County Road B, in Manitowoc County, and confirmed Monday that the blanket belongs to the missing boy.

Elijah Vue
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The blanket was found approximately 3.7 miles from his home, near 39th and Mishicot.
The Two Rivers Police Department said it followed up on numerous tips and leads in the last week. Searches for Vue were completed in wetlands, rural areas, the West Twin River and a farm waste container.
Elijah Vue: Two Rivers vigil held for missing 3-year-old boy
A vigil was held for Elijah Vue, the 3-year-old Two Rivers boy missing since February, on Saturday, March 16.
Have you seen him?
Authorities said Vue's caregiver last saw him at 8 a.m. at his home on Tuesday, Feb. 20. He was last seen wearing gray sweatpants, a long-sleeved, dark-colored shirt, and red-and-green dinosaur slip-on shoes.
Vue, who is of Hmong descent, is described as 3 feet tall and 45 pounds with sandy hair and brown eyes. Officials said he has a birthmark on his left knee.
Anyone with information is asked to contact police at 844-267-6648 or 920-686-7200. You can also submit a tip through the FBI website, or to Manitowoc County Crime Stoppers through the P3 app.

Katrina Baur and Jesse Vang in Manitowoc County Court (virtually) on Monday, Feb. 26.
Latest from court
Jesse Vang, the man who Elijah Vue was staying with when he disappeared, asked on Monday for his child neglect charge to be dismissed. Also, an attorney has been appointed for Vang, which should allow the case to resume.
Vang, 39, faces one count of being party to neglecting a child. He has not been charged in connection with the disappearance of Vue. He returns to court Thursday for a preliminary hearing.
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Meanwhile, Vue's mother, 31-year-old Katrina Baur, was bound over for trial on Thursday, March 14. She is charged with chronic neglect of a child, neglecting a child and two misdemeanor counts of resisting/obstructing an officer.
Elijah Vue vigil held in Two Rivers
A vigil was held for Elijah Vue, the 3-year-old Two Rivers boy missing since February, on Saturday, March 16.
Rewards offered
Rewards in the search for Vue have risen to a combined $40,000.
The Two Rivers Police Department on Monday, March 11 announced the city has raised $15,000 in reward money through community donations. Donations to that reward fund are still being accepted.
The donation-driven reward is in addition to two other rewards already announced for information in the case. There is an FBI reward of up to $15,000, and a Manitowoc County Crime Stoppers reward of up to $10,000.