Get ready for Cyber Monday to snag airline deals

Looking for a cheap flight? Cyber Monday is the time to score some deals. According to the airfare search engine, the airlines will launch major airfare sales starting on the morning of Cyber Monday, if not sooner.
“We’re anticipating a record amount of airfare deals starting Cyber Monday and continuing through the week before the holiday, based on the fact that this fall (and September in particular) was the busiest time we’ve ever seen for domestic flash sales,” the site announced. “We’re predicting that this Cyber Monday will kick off a record month for fare sales.”
Deals usually begin launching at 9:00 a.m. ET and continue into the evening for trips several months in advance. Denver, Chicago and Atlanta as the best origins to find a sale, according to Hopper. Almost 80 percent of the flash sales are posted by major carriers like United Airlines or Delta, with low cost carriers accounting for about 20 percent.
Looking for a deal to a warm-weather location? Las Vegas, Atlanta, and Orlando are in the top five destinations with frequent airline sales. International destinations with the most number of deals are San Jose, Costa Rica, San Salvador, El Salvador, and Cancun, Mexico.