Icy patch trips up wannabe armed robber, Gainesville police say

Luis Sajbocho-Ordonez (Gainesville Police Department)
GAINESVILLE, Ga. - A Gainesville man's attempt to rob the employees of a local business became than he bargained after it turned into what police described "like a scene from Home Alone."
The Gainesville police say that 30-year-old Luis Sajbocho-Ordonez had hid himself behind a business on the 400 block of Atlanta Highway in the early morning hours of Christmas Day.
When an employee exited the store, police say Sajbocho-Ordonez pulled a gun on them and demanded cash, leading to a struggle.
Investigators say Sajbocho-Ordonez became startled when another employee left the building and fired a shot, which didn't hit anyone.
As the alleged armed robber tried to run off, however, he lost control on an icy patch, slipped, and hit his head, police say. Witnesses were able to grab two guns he had on his person while he was lying on the ground injured.
Police found Sajbocho-Ordonez still on the ground when they arrived. After treating his injuries, officers took him into custody and transported him to the Hall County Jail.
Sajbocho-Ordonez is now facing charges of armed robbery and aggravated assault. Additional charges are also possible.