Italian man sets Guinness World Record for most scoops of ice cream on single cone

Italian Dimitri Panciera balances his record-breaking gelato cone with 121 individual scoops of ice cream. (Courtesy Guinness World Records)

An Italian man has set a new Guinness World Record for putting the most scoops of ice cream on a single cone.

Dimitri Panciera completed the cool feat at Gelatimo ice-cream festival in Forno di Zoldo, Italy, scooping a staggering 121 mini mounds of gelato into a regular sized cone.

Guinness documented the entire scooping process.

Per Guinness rules, the cone couldn’t be any wider than 3.74 inches and the scoops needed to remain balanced for 10 seconds or more—which wasn’t a problem for Panciera’s stack as he carried his cone outside and casually licked the confection after piling on the scoops.

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