Lake View YMCA staffer tests positive for COVID-19

(Photo by Bill Tompkins/Getty Images)
CHICAGO - A staff member at the Lake View YMCA has tested positive for the coronavirus, the North Side center announced Thursday.
The employee last reported to work on Aug. 1, kept to one isolated room and did not interact with other staff, Executive Director Brandon Krozel wrote in an email to Lake View YMCA members.
“We are informing you of this development out of an abundance of caution and believe that the risk to you is low,” Krozel said. “We have already conducted an extensive deep cleaning of the center and the staff member who has contracted the coronavirus is currently self-isolated at home for 14 days per CDC recommendations.”
Anyone who may have had contact with the staff member has been notified, Krozel said, noting that everyone at the center, located at 3333 N. Marshfield Ave., has been wearing face masks.
Krozel said the YMCA has “intensified our regular facility cleanings with additional deep-cleaning and sanitizing of all areas,” in addition to implementing social distancing and face mask requirements.
“We believe that the risk of exposure is lessened by the numerous safety precautions that we always undertake at the Y,” Krozel said. “However, we must acknowledge that as with many things an element of risk is always present.”
Gyms such as the YMCA reopened at 50% capacity across Illinois on June 26, when the state entered Phase 4 of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s reopening plan.
Since entering Phase 4, the average daily COVID-19 caseload in Illinois has doubled. On Thursday, 1,953 people tested positive for the coronavirus, making it the highest daily tally in over 10 weeks.