Loyal dog walks a total of 40 miles to return to family that gave her up after moving

(FOX 11) - An animal shelter is trying to find a new home for one determined doggie that set out not once, but twice, to find her previous owners.
For unknown reasons after her family moved to a new home in the Oklahoma city of Seminole, they decided they couldn’t keep Cathleen, a 6-year-old Great Pyrenees mix, and gave her to someone living about 20 miles away.
The foster was supposed to be temporary while the Seminole Animal Shelter found her a home, but Cathleen just couldn’t wait. She walked from Prague to Seminole TWICE in search of her family.
The animal shelter posted to their Facebook page in hopes of finding her a good and loving home:
“We do need to be very careful in her placement or she will end up farther away and may try to come back and it would not end well,” Mattingly posted on Facebook. “We are working hard on just the perfect, secure place!”
The adoption fee is just $25.
How can you resist that sweet face!
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