Driver rammed CPD officer into Gold Coast flower bed: prosecutors

Anthony Sheko (left) and Asia Spann | Chicago police

Felony charges have been filed against a south suburban man accused of pinning a Chicago police officer with a stolen vehicle Tuesday on the Near North Side.

A motorist allegedly rammed a Chicago police officer into a flower bed while trying to drive away from a traffic stop in the Gold Coast neighborhood.

The pinned-in officer then pulled out a gun and ordered Anthony Sheko out of his Dodge Charger, in which police found a modified, fully automatic pistol, Cook County prosecutors said Wednesday.

Sheko, 23, was pulled over Tuesday near Maple and State streets after a squad car’s license plate reader flagged the car he was driving, Assistant State’s Attorney Jocelyn Schieve said. The officers walked up to the driver and passenger side doors.

One officer opened the driver’s door and ordered out Sheko, but Sheko allegedly put the car in reverse and hit the gas — catching the officer by the door and pinning him against a steel flower bed, Schieve said.

The officer freed himself as Sheko allegedly reversed past him.

After the officer pointed his gun and Sheko exited the car, police searched under the driver’s seat and found a fully-automatic Glock 22 with an extended magazine with 23 rounds, Schieve said. The gun allegedly had a selector switch making it automatic.

The struck officer was hospitalized with swelling and bruising to his legs, Schieve said.

Sheko was arrested with his passenger, Asia Spann, 29, who was charged with possession of a controlled substance.

Sheko’s attorney said that the Charger wasn’t his and that his actions may not have been intentional.

Judge David Navarro ordered Sheko held on a $100,000 bail on charges of unauthorized use of a weapon and aggravated battery to an officer.

“This speaks to how volatile any traffic stop can be — both for the driver and officer — where what might be perceived as a routine stop suddenly turns very violent and dangerous,” Navarro said.

Navarro noted that Sheko is accused of being armed with two weapons in the incident — a “machine gun” and a “two-ton vehicle.”

Sheko, of Country Club Hills, is expected in court again Nov. 13.

Crime and Public SafetyNear North SideNews