Police called after bank worker wrote 'HELP' on door as joke

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) - Police say a bank employee was cited after writing "HELP" on fogged-up glass on the front door as a joke.
The Hartford Courant reports police were called to the Wells Fargo Bank in Newtown, Connecticut, Friday morning after a customer saw the message and called 911.
Police say officers who responded saw nothing unusual as employees prepared to open the bank. When officers asked about the message, a manager said one of the workers had written it as a joke.
A police spokesman said it was "not funny in any way" and that officers feared a robbery or hostage situation was taking place.
The employee was cited with creating a public disturbance.
The bank is less than 2 miles from the site of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting .
Information from: Hartford Courant, http://www.courant.com