Police find van stolen from family with disabled son, but van is damaged and wheelchair may be missing

Police have found a van stolen from a suburban Chicago mom with a disabled son, but the van is damaged and the wheelchair may be missing.

Alicia Rodriguez said police told her the van, which was stolen on Monday from a handicapped parking spot in Blue Island, was at the pound.


She hasn't seen the van since it was recovered. She said she was told the back bumper is cracked, and the back window is broken. Her son's specialized car seat is still there, but his wheelchair might not be.

Her son, Aidan Beltran, 15, is recovering from a recent surgery. It marks his 30th surgery in his life.

"He has cerebral palsy, inversion chromosome 19, Noonan syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, and he’s autistic," said Rodriguez.

Rodriguez's Ring doorbell shows her car being driven away.

"I’m just wondering why they did it, knowing I’m parked right in front of a handicap sign," she said.