Putin is 'playing a very dangerous game', Chicago congressman says

A Chicago congressman is heavily involved in the U.S. response to the Russian invasion.

Rep. Mike Quigley is co-chair of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus, and he pulled no punches in a statement Thursday.

"I want to be clear that no one is responsible for this bloodshed other than Putin. My message to the Ukrainian people is simple: we stand with you," Quigley said.


Friday morning Quigley spoke with FOX 32 News about what he believes would be the most impactful sanction put on Russia.

"He's playing a very dangerous game," Quigley said. "I met with the Finnish president back in Helsinki several years ago, and he talked about Putin. And then recently, he talked about him as a changed man. And he raised concerns about his personality."

"His language has changed, his talk about the missile test in the East and using the word 'nukes', inferring also that hypersonic missiles could be placed in places like Cuba and Central America, harkens back to the darkest days of the Cold War."

"You know, when people answer your poll, for those who think that it doesn't matter to us, or we shouldn't get involved - you are involved. This is a worldwide problem, and we must be engaged," Quigley said.

Quigley believes it would be best to sanction all of Russia's banks in order to knock them out of the SWIFT banking system.