Recipe: Roasted Garlic and Baked Artichoke

Roasted Garlic

Serves 6 people

  • 3 whole garlic heads
  • 2 oz olive oil
  • Water
  • Salt

Cut the top of garlic with a large knife. In a small Dutch oven (or similar), set up the garlic, cover with water and add oil. Add a pinch of salt. Preheat oven at 350 degrees. Bring the water to a boil then cover the Dutch oven with foil. Cook in oven until soft (about 40 minutes).

Baked Artichoke

1 artichoke per person

  • 4 oz Brie cheese
  • For the sauce (serves 4 people):
  • 1 chopped shallot
  • 1/4 cup white wine
  • 1Tsp white vinegar
  • 4oz butter
  • 1 Tsp grain mustard
  • Salt and pepper to taste

In a sauce pot combine shallots, vinegar and white wine. Reduce by half over medium to high heat, then add the butter using a hand mixer. Add grain mustard salt and pepper. Keep warm.

Cook the artichoke in boiling water with salt. Refresh when heart in tender. With a spoon remove the center leaves. The heart should be totally cleaned. Stuff the heart with Brie cheese. Place in a tray and bake in oven for 15 minutes. When hot, cover with grain mustard and serve immediately.