Santa to kick off holiday season at Woodfield Mall

Flickr | Keith Allison
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - It's not even Halloween yet, but some people are already thinking about the holiday season!
And if you are already putting together a Christmas list, you won't have to wait too long to tell Santa all your wishes!
Woodfield Mall is planning to usher in the holiday season with Santa’s grand arrival on November 5.
Families are invited to join in the celebration as Santa takes center stage at his Ice Palace. Santa will be joined by his elves who will be offering kids an assortment of candy! Kids can also create holiday-inspired crafts as they wait for their visit with Santa.
The event is free and will take place at the Ice Palace in Woodfield Mall at 6 p.m. Following his grand entrance, Santa will be available for photos through Christmas Eve. Price of photos will vary depending on package choice.