Sarah Palin to sign books in Naperville

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NAPERVILLE, Ill. (AP) — Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin plans a book-signing event in suburban Chicago.

Palin will sign copies of her book "Sweet Freedom: A Devotional" on Dec. 1 at the Naperville Marriott.

The (Arlington Heights) Daily Herald reports that tickets to the event cost $27.90. That includes an autographed copy of the book and a chance to have a photo taken with Palin.

The book, Palin's fourth, features 260 meditations that apply biblical principles to contemporary issues. It's published by Regnery Publishing, a conservative press based in Washington, D.C.

The former Alaska governor published her other books, notably the million-selling "Going Rogue," through HarperCollins. Her most recent work, "Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas," came out in 2013.