As summer begins, medical experts warn of dangerous drinking trend among college students

As school lets out for summer and college students return home, medical experts are sounding the alarm about a dangerous drinking trend. 

It's called a "Blackout Rage Gallon" or more popularly known as a "Borg." 

Various binge-drinking trends have come and gone and while the Borg isn't new, the challenge is making a resurgence, going viral on social media in recent days. 

The trend is popular among Gen-Z college students, who are filming themselves making and drinking the Borgs.

Using a gallon container, they are made by combining water, electrolyte powder and often a fifth or more of vodka. 

Meant to act as a personal drink, young people consume them by themselves and often in a short amount of time. 

With the unofficial start to summer just days away, and Chicago's beaches expected to be packed with partygoers, Dr. Nicholas Cozzi, an EMS medical director at Rush University Medical Center, is warning of the troubling trend. 

 "It's very concerning because they don't know how much alcohol that they're actually taking. This is very, very potent alcohol. This is more than just having a beer. This is multiple cocktail drinks at once," said Cozzi. "We're seeing people take 10-15 drinks and one of the most challenging things we know about this – they're not pacing and they're not spacing." 

Cozzi warns that drinking that much, especially in th sun, is an even worse combination and can lead to severe dehydration. 

He said the trend can lead to alcohol poisoning and can even be deadly.