There's going to be a rave at Mt. Everest

Concertgoers can no get even higher than Coachella.


British DJ Paul Oakenfold has tracked to the base of Mt. Everest and is throwing a huge EDM concert there on Tuesday.


Dubbed the “highest party on Earth,” the event is part of his SoundTrek series which tries to draw attention to the effects of climate change and raise money for survivors of the 2015 Nepal earthquake.

“We are here now doing sound checks,” the 53-year-old said on Monday. “We are really looking forward to the show tomorrow. Everyone is really excited here.”

Planning involved a 10-day climb to reach the base camp located nearly 18,000 feet above sea level.


And because of the altitude, most of the people in attendance won’t be dancing.


“The audience will probably be sitting mostly. The air is so thin here, you will run out of breath quite quickly,” a DJ accompanying Oaklenfold told the Agence-France Press.