WATCH: Therapy dog caring for hospice patient


(FOX News) - A video of a 4-year-old golden retriever therapy dog caring for a hospice patient in Oregon has gone viral, King 5 News reported.

JJ, who has been a certified therapy dog since she was 1 year old, is the primary therapy dog at  Samaritan Evergreen Hospice House in Albany, Oregon.

In the video, she is shown with her head on a hospital bed as a patient’s hand touches her face. An unseen man is heard reading the poem, “What then?” by W.B. Yeats, according to JJ’s Facebook page. People have shared the video over 200,000 times.

“This is a lady who has very few people to visit her. She cannot see and often does not wake up, but she did like having her hand on my fur,” JJ “wrote” in her Facebook post. “We fell asleep later with her hand splayed on my head, but of us snoring (but not proof of that!).”

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