Weather Service: 1 EF-1, 2 EF-0 tornadoes strike Indiana

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The National Weather Service says survey teams have confirmed three tornadoes across Indiana.

It says the strongest, an EF-1 with an estimated maximum wind speed of 94 mph, struck north of Brownstown in southern Indiana's Jackson County and traveled about 1.25 miles. The (Seymour) Tribune reported damage in the area included a pole barn and three grain bins destroyed at a farm.

Two other tornadoes Thursday were rated EF-0. One with estimated peak winds of 80-85 mph hit the outskirts of Lowell in northwestern Indiana's Lake County, traveling about 1.5 miles. It says damage was limited almost entirely to trees.

The other tornado struck Washington County in the south with an estimated peak wind of 70 mph, causing sporadic damage to trees and a barn along a 3-mile path.