Where are schools reopening from coronavirus closures? See the map

A new website has been created to show how school districts across the U.S. are tackling one of the biggest challenges in education: reopening classrooms during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Return to Learn Tracker – a joint venture between the American Enterprise Institute and Davidson College – is monitoring more than 8,000 public school districts as to whether they are operating with full in-person, hybrid or remote-only instruction.


As of mid-March, Florida leads the nation with 100% of its districts operating fully in-person, followed by Georgia with 86.1% and Nebraska with 81.7%, the data shows.

More in-person learning is happening in Florida compared to any other state in the U.S., the data shows. (Fox News)

Overall, states across the South and Southeast are offering the most full-time, in-person learning.

Hawaii leads the hybrid category with all of its districts operating in that capacity, followed by North Carolina with 96.5% and Massachusetts with 92.7%.

Nearly all districts being tracked in states like North Carolina are operating in a hybrid model. (Fox News)

The state taking the most cautious approach to reopening is California, with 44.7% of its districts operating remote-only, according to the data. It is followed by Arizona with 27.6% and New Mexico with 24.1%.

California has more districts operating remote-only than any other state in the U.S., the data shows. (Fox News)

Nationwide, out of all the districts tracked, 37% are operating fully in-person, 54% are opting for a hybrid approach, and 9% are remote-only.

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