Beverly Hills Turkey Trot raises money for pediatric cancer research
Run off that Thanksgiving feast at Beverly Hills' Turkey Trot 5K on Saturday
Tomorrow morning is the 14th Annual Beverly Hills Turkey Trot. It's time to work off those Thanksgiving seconds and thirds and raise money for pediatric brain tumor research. Alderman Matt O'Shea of the 18th Ward says the proceeds from the run will go to a good cause.
CHICAGO - Beverly Hills in Chicago hosted its 14th Annual Turkey Trot 5K Saturday morning, and the proceeds raised are going toward a good cause.
Saturday's family-friendly run/walk 5K gave participants a chance to work off those Thanksgiving indulgences while also supporting pediatric brain tumor research, Alderman Matt O'Shea said.
"Far too many children across our country are dying at a young age and we don't do enough as a nation to raise dollars for cancer research," O'Shea said.
This cause hits very close to home for the Beverly Hills community. The event honors John McNicholas, a young man who died at age 15 from a brain tumor. The money raised helps the Live Like John foundation.
"This is about a community coming together to fight this insidious disease," O'Shea said.
After the run there was a pancake breakfast to keep the festivities going and bring families together.