Chicago Girl Scouts cash in on cannabis legalization, sell cookies outside dispensary

Girl Scouts sell cookies. (John Moore/Getty Images)
CHICAGO - Well, they’re certainly entrepreneurial.
An industrious group of Girl Scouts sold hundreds of boxes of their signature cookies after setting up shop outside of a Chicago cannabis dispensary over the weekend.
In January, the state of Illinois rang in the New Year on a high note, legalizing the sale of recreational marijuana. On Sunday, youngsters from a local Girl Scout troop cashed in by peddling their famous cookies outside Dispensary33 in the Andersonville neighborhood, reportedly charming customers and employees alike.
“The cookies they’re selling and our clientele, it’s a great match,” Abigail Watkins, marketing and outreach manager for the dispensary, told Block Club Chicago. “As a former Girl Scout, I admire the hustle.”
According to Melissa Soukoup, a leader of a local Brownie Girl Scout troop that sold at the weed shop, many businesses were already reserved for the ever-popular cookie sales by competing troops.
“We try to meet goals so the girls can win prizes,” said Soukoup. “We’re always looking for opportunities, places that have walking traffic. I was looking for places that weren’t taken, and I thought of this.”
Dreaming big, Soukoup helped her daughter and two other Brownie scouts sell 230 boxes during a four-hour shift outside the dispensary.
“They were super supportive. It was a pretty good sale, probably one of the better ones,” the scout leader said of the partnership.
“People were having fun,” Watkins echoed. “Everyone loves Girl Scout cookies. They were undeniably cute.”
Britney Bouie, a local Girl Scouts spokeswoman, confirmed that the Girl Scouts of Chicago are allowed to host “booth sales” outside legally owned businesses like dispensaries.
“We’re just really happy these girls are having an entrepreneurial experience and are getting the cookies in front of the customer,” Bouie said.
In a tweet published Monday night, Dispensary33 revealed that the Girl Scouts already booked them up for sales during the rest of February.
A spokesperson for the Girl Scouts was not immediately available to offer further comment on the policies regarding booth sale locations in the Windy City and elsewhere.
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