Chicago mayoral candidates go head-to-head in latest forum

Chicago's mayoral hopefuls went head-to-head Tuesday night in a televised forum. 

As the clock ticks closer to Election Day, the stakes are even higher. 

The forum drilled down on candidates, holding their feet to the fire to be specific with their plans on policing, public schools, crime and taxes. 

"Yes or no, will there be less spending on police in a Johnson Administration?" the moderator asked.

"I'm not going to defund the police," responded candidate Brandon Johnson.

Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson said he will not defund, but rather "shift" $150 million in the police budget to put the city in compliance with a court-ordered consent decree, reforming Chicago police.


"Would you encourage a return to something like stop and frisk? If not, what would you do?" the moderator asked candidate Paul Vallas. 

"Well first of all Chicago has never had stop and frisk, proactive police is responsive policing," said Vallas.

In fact, a lawsuit and landmark settlement forced Chicago police to end stop and frisk in 2015. 

With the mayoral runoff exactly two weeks from Tuesday, both candidates are growing frustrated with each other's talking points — moving now to attack each other on who is more qualified for the city's top job. 

"I'm a part of the legislative branch, I actually know that process. Paul doesn't. He's never been elected to anything. He's never served at the legislative level," Johnson said.

"I was a product of the legislative process. Four years as a school teacher and the rest of the years as a consultant, and this qualifies him to manage a $28 billion dollar enterprise?" Vallas said.

Expect more fireworks on Wednesday as FOX 32'S Mayoral Forum takes place.

ChicagoElectionNewsIllinois Politics