Chicago police will pay you for unwanted guns 'no questions asked'
Find out what Chicago police are giving away in exchange for your unwanted guns
Chicago police are hosting a gun turn-in event to help people safely get rid of their unwanted guns. You won't walk away empty handed either. CPD is giving away incentives for each unwanted gun turned in. The event will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Saint Ita Church in Edgewater.
CHICAGO - The Chicago Police Department is hosting a "no-questions-asked" Gun Turn In event Saturday in Edgewater.
From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. officers will be at Saint Ita Church to collect unwanted or unused guns. Interested residents will receive $100 prepaid gift card for each gun and $10 for BB-guns, air-guns and replica guns.
No one at this event will ask you where or how you got your guns as long as you're turning them in. The prepaid Visa cards can be used at most stores to pay for gas, groceries and bills.
There is no limit to how many guns you can turn in, all will be accepted.
The guns will be destroyed after the event. If you can't make it to the event, guns can be turned in to any police station. However, to collect the gift card the guns must be turned in Saturday between 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Saint Ita Church located at 5500 N. Broadway St.
Chicago police can also safely dispose of any ammunition and any gun parts.