Chicago to receive federal aid to fight gun violence, Supt. Brown says

Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown says his meeting with the president was productive and substantial and federal resources should be arriving soon, to help Chicago curb gun violence.

The superintendent and other leaders from around the country met with President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland in the White House Monday. 

He says the president committed resources to Chicago, starting with a strike force to track illegal guns and try to stop the flow of guns into the city. Money also will be spent on youth and community policing programs. 

Brown gave details about the ambush killing of Chicago rapper KTS Dre Saturday night outside Cook County Jail.


There were 59 gun shell casings found in the murder of Dre, whose given name is Londre Sylvester, age 31. 

After he posted bond and walked out of jail, two cars pulled up and Sylvester was shot by multiple offenders. 

Brown says Sylvester’s release from jail endangered others. Two women on the sidewalk were shot but not seriously wounded.

Sylvester had a tattoo, "Kill To Survive." Brown said Sylvester’s long criminal record and lifestyle created an unsafe environment for those around him.