CTU says they've received 'serious offer' from CPS

CHICAGO (AP) - The Chicago Teachers Union says it'll consider a "serious offer" from the nation's third-largest school district by taking the contract proposal to a team of negotiators.

The news announced Thursday evening could signal a step forward in negotiations that have gone on more than a year.

CTU President Karen Lewis says a 40-member committee will convene Monday and deliberate.

Neither side released details of the office.

Union officials say the "basic framework" calls for economic concessions in exchange for "enforceable protections" of education quality and job security. In a statement Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool says the "true compromise" offer would prevent midyear teacher layoffs.

Negotiators have said talks picked up since top Illinois Republicans proposed legislation allowing for a state takeover of Chicago schools.

"After a period of intense and difficult bargaining, the CTU has received a serious offer from Chicago Public Schools. The CTU requires that any Tentative Agreements be made by its Big Bargaining Team, a 40 member committee of teachers, PSRP's and clinicians, which will convene, deliberate, and vote on Monday. While the Union will not release details of the offer without Big Bargaining Team approval, the basic framework calls for economic concessions in exchange for enforceable protections of education quality and job security. If the Union is able to reach a Tentative Agreement, delegates will be apprised of details shortly,” said CTU President Karen Lewis.

“As the CTU leadership said, CPS has put a serious offer on the table that would prevent midyear teacher layoffs. This offer is a true compromise that requires sacrifices from both sides so that we can protect what is most important: the gains our students are making in their classrooms. We will continue to work around the clock to reach consensus on an agreement that is the best interests of our students, educators and parents," said CPS CEO Forrest Claypool.